Browsing: Workers' comp decisions (QLD) | Page 3


Injured worker loses benefits after workload appeal

An employer's efforts to address a worker's "unattainable" workload might have come too late, but the woman's psychological injury was barred from compensation, an appeals court has ruled, finding a previous decision applied the wrong reasonable management action test.


Mixed safety messages cause $1.4m injury

Two companies have been ordered to pay a worker a total of nearly $1.4 million in damages, after she was injured operating a defective vehicle in an incident that could have been prevented through clearer stop-work instructions.


Employer negligently failed to enforce lifting threshold

A worker who injured her back while lifting heavy trays has been awarded nearly $160,000 in damages, after a court found her employer negligently failed to provide proper manual handling training or enforce a 10kg lifting limit.


Exposure to abuse and explicit material significantly contributed to psychiatric illness

A commission has overturned a decision to deny compensation to a worker exposed to p-rnographic material and abusive outbursts from her manager, rejecting a regulator's claims that the two had a civil relationship and the worker's psychiatric injury arose from reasonable management action.


Sick leave restored under COVID rules; WHS review kicks off; "Injured" worker jailed; and more

  • Sick leave restored under Qld's new COVID arrangements;
  • WHS review targeting HSR provisions in Qld;
  • "Injured" worker jailed over secret gig economy work; and
  • Data-matching tools catching injury fraudsters.


Injured worker "connected" to state with damages access

A superior court has warned against placing "undue focus" on employment contracts when determining an injured worker's state of connection, in finding a chef's employment is connected to a state with more generous common law rights than the jurisdiction an insurer claims it belongs to.


Management action doesn't need to be perfect under workers' comp Act: IRC

A commission has upheld a decision to deny compensation to a worker who suffered an aggravation of her psychiatric illness from an interaction with her supervisor, ruling the supervisor's imperfect actions were reasonable enough under injury laws.

Page 3 of 25 | Total articles: 250