Browsing: Workers' comp decisions (National) | Page 2


Manager and business charged with recklessness; High Court halts injury case; and more

  • Alleged WHS recklessness spotted by members of public;
  • High Court halts four-year state-of-connection dispute; and
  • Workers' compensation prosecutions increasing in WA.


Customer aggression claim to be reheard, judge stresses symptoms aren't always injuries

The Federal Court has ordered a redetermination of whether a worker's injury was caused by customer aggression or reasonable administrative action, finding an earlier decision in favour of the man failed to apply the correct legal test.


Employer's failure to help worker with injury claim highlighted in medical certification dispute

A tribunal has expressed sympathy for an injured worker's frustrations with his compensation claim, finding a major employer failed to provide him with clear advice or fulfil its obligations to assess his application properly.


Workers' comp "threat" not adverse action, bid for WHS regulator to intervene rejected

A court has rejected a worker's claim that her employer unlawfully threatened to lodge a workers' compensation claim, against her will, after she raised safety concerns affecting her mental health.


Pub-assault injuries not causally linked to service, High Court test not relevant to claim

A worker who was assaulted and suffered a serious brain injury, while on a winery tour during a "short absence" from his employment, has been denied compensation, with a tribunal rejecting his claims around being encouraged to take leave and consume alcohol.


Vulnerable worker injured by boredom-driven bullying, tribunal slams Aussie Post's investigation into matter

A worker suffered psychological injuries from bored colleagues targeting her to "pass the time", according to a judgment that also condemns a major employer for traumatising the vulnerable worker in a liability "witch hunt".

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