Browsing: Workers' comp decisions (QLD) | Page 3


Mixed safety messages cause $1.4m injury

Two companies have been ordered to pay a worker a total of nearly $1.4 million in damages, after she was injured operating a defective vehicle in an incident that could have been prevented through clearer stop-work instructions.


Employer negligently failed to enforce lifting threshold

A worker who injured her back while lifting heavy trays has been awarded nearly $160,000 in damages, after a court found her employer negligently failed to provide proper manual handling training or enforce a 10kg lifting limit.


Exposure to abuse and explicit material significantly contributed to psychiatric illness

A commission has overturned a decision to deny compensation to a worker exposed to p-rnographic material and abusive outbursts from her manager, rejecting a regulator's claims that the two had a civil relationship and the worker's psychiatric injury arose from reasonable management action.


Sick leave restored under COVID rules; WHS review kicks off; "Injured" worker jailed; and more

  • Sick leave restored under Qld's new COVID arrangements;
  • WHS review targeting HSR provisions in Qld;
  • "Injured" worker jailed over secret gig economy work; and
  • Data-matching tools catching injury fraudsters.


Injured worker "connected" to state with damages access

A superior court has warned against placing "undue focus" on employment contracts when determining an injured worker's state of connection, in finding a chef's employment is connected to a state with more generous common law rights than the jurisdiction an insurer claims it belongs to.


Management action doesn't need to be perfect under workers' comp Act: IRC

A commission has upheld a decision to deny compensation to a worker who suffered an aggravation of her psychiatric illness from an interaction with her supervisor, ruling the supervisor's imperfect actions were reasonable enough under injury laws.


Injury Bill tackles "claim farming" and terminal benefits

In an Australian first, the practice of workers' compensation "claim farming" will be banned, under an Amendment Bill that also curtails the impact of a Queensland judgment on benefits for workers with terminal conditions.

Page 3 of 25 | Total articles: 249