Browsing: Workers' comp decisions (NSW) | Page 2


Injured worker not given a chance to respond to alleged complaints, "even to this day"

A worker who was required to take on management duties and sack a worker, despite not being trained in such processes, has been awarded compensation for a psychological injury, with a commission rejecting her employer's reasonable-action defence.


Appeals court confirms $1.3m injury damages obligation for company involved in Cassaniti's death

A company that received a record-breaking WHS recklessness fine, over the death of an apprentice, has failed to reduce a $1.3 million payout to an injured labour-hire worker through the application of a "notoriously difficult" legislative provision.


Injured worker cleared of abandoning employment, FWC questions capacity determinations

A psychologically injured worker has been given the green light to pursue an unfair dismissal remedy, after his employer wrongly determined, from his prolonged absence, that he had abandoned his employment.

Page 2 of 41 | Total articles: 404