Browsing: Industrial/employment issues | Page 3

Viewing all articles in "Issue/challenge/risk (all) > Industrial/employment issues" which contains nine sub-topics, select one from the list below to further narrow your browsing.


Repeated training and blunt tone not bullying

A workplace manager did not bully a worker, but their employer dealt with the worker's grievances "clumsily", allowing misconstrued interactions to build up to a point where the mental health of both employees was affected, a commission has found.


Short program reduces stressful interruptions

A quick coaching program can show supervisors how often they unnecessarily interrupt their staff, to the detriment of staff members' health, and help them "redesign" working arrangements, according to Swiss researchers.


How to reverse widespread EAP resistance

Workers often see referrals to employee assistance programs as "cloaking punishment", but establishing workplace EAP committees that liaise with vendors can help eradicate pushback, a human resources management expert says.


Purported inaction on trauma did not force resignation, worker resisted medical requests

A commission has rejected a worker's allegations that she was forced to resign because her employer failed to shield her from vicarious trauma and its approach to psychological safety was "stuck in the 1990s".


Fatal risk in CBD high-rise foreseeable but not addressed

A second duty holder has been fined over the death of an 80-year-old workplace visitor in a disused stairwell that posed an obvious risk of falling or entrapment, while a business has been fined over a fatality that followed its failure to identify the qualifications and competencies required for high-risk tasks.


WHS Bill passes with insurance ban, HSR protections and plan to expand manslaughter provisions

A major work health and safety Bill has passed in Queensland, with amendments aimed at facilitating a plan that could extend industrial manslaughter provisions to bystander deaths, and ensure multiple duty holders can be charged with manslaughter after a fatality.

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