Browsing: Heavy vehicles, mobile plant, forklifts, quad bikes | Page 6


Record $2.31m recklessness fine follows four deaths, sends safety warning to company officers

Company executives must ensure systems are in place to deal with non-compliance with safety requirements and those systems are properly monitored, a regulator has stressed after an employer was handed a record recklessness fine relating to the deaths of four police officers.


WHS phase-outs; Dozens of toilet breaches; and more

  • WHS phase-outs by IKEA and others fast-track end of deadly stone;
  • Dozens of toilet-related WHS breaches found in SA blitz; and
  • Worksite bystander killed.


Supplier fails to cut fatality fine, with appeals court rejecting lack-of-control contention

A company that was prosecuted, over a high-profile fatality, for breaching its safety duties as a supplier of plant, has unsuccessfully argued that its $400,000 penalty was excessive because it had no control over the location of workers when the incident occurred.


Injury data informs Aussie Post's injury prevention efforts

A six-week "physical induction" to get new workers into the right condition to perform their role safely is one critical part of Australia Post's "endeavour" to prevent "predictable" injuries.


PCBUs sentenced over fatalities, worker dies in heat

A major energy company that failed to implement an adequate visual inspection regime for power poles, and a business that failed to manage asphyxia risks, have been fined a total of nearly $500,000 over fatalities. Meanwhile, duty holders have been urged to assess the risk of heat-related illnesses, after an outdoor worker died in hot weather.

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