Browsing: Enforceable undertakings (QLD) | Page 3


Employer commits $379k to manual handling, risk assessment training

A Queensland care provider has committed to spend nearly $400,000 - in lieu of prosecution - on training workers in manual handling and on other safety initiatives, after an elderly resident sustained serious injuries.


Employer spends $416k after alleged permit-to-work breach

A Queensland employer has entered a $192,000 enforceable undertaking, and spent $224,000 improving its flawed electrical permit-to-work system, after an apprentice received an electric shock.


Unguarded machine leads to $274k enforceable undertaking

An employer has entered into a $274,000 enforceable undertaking with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, after it failed to adequately guard a bench saw or provide a formal OHS system.


Employer enters hefty undertaking to escape OHS conviction

A Queensland employer has entered a $339,500 enforceable undertaking - even though a fine would have cost it far less - after one of its workers injured his wrist while using a power tool.

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